Browse Listings

604 listings found. Showing results 521 to 540
1963 LIfeboats (ord). Plain cover with handwritten address.

Set on plain cover with handwritten address cancelled on First Day of Issue. As illustrated. 



1980 London80 Double Dated FDC. "Loughborough" FDI cancel

Fine clean unadressed illustrated cover. 9th April date for stamp, 7th May date for Miniature Sheet. As illustrated.



1969 Concorde. "Filton,Bristol" FDI cancel

Fine clean, unaddressed cover "Filton FDI CDS as illustrated.



1969 Concorde. "Filton,Bristol" FDI cancel

Fine clean cover with typed address "Filton FDI CDS as illustrated.



1969 Ships. "Southampton" FDI CDS

Fine clean unaddressed cover with "Southampton" FDI CDS. As illustrated



1964 Shakespeare (ord). Set of 5 values "Stratford-upon-Avon" FDI

Fine clean cover with typed address as illustrated.



Falkland Islands. 1974 Flowers. Decimal issue. 6p Wmk sideways Crown to Left of CA. SG 295. Fine Used

Fine used single as illustrated. 1974 Flowers. Decimal issue. 6p Wmk sideways Crown to Left of CA. SG 295.



Falkland Islands. 1974 Flowers. Decimal issue. 2p Wmk upright. SG 294. Fine Used

Fine used single as illustrated. 1974 Flowers. Decimal issue. 2p Wmk upright. SG 294.



Falkland Islands. 1974 Flowers. Decimal issue. 2p Wmk upright. SG 294. Fine Used

Fine used single as illustrated. 1974 Flowers. Decimal issue. 2p Wmk upright. SG 294.



Falkland Islands. 1974 Flowers. Decimal issue. 2p Wmk upright. SG 294. Fine Used

Fine used single as illustrated. 1974 Flowers. Decimal issue. 2p Wmk upright. SG 294.



Isle of Man. 1978 Landmarks. Set of 13 values ½p - 16p. SG 111-123. Unmounted mint.

Unmounted mint set. 1978 Landmarks. Set of 13 values ½p - 16p. SG 111-123.



1985 Opening of Mount Pleasant Airport. 27p. SG 503. Fine Used.

Fine used single as ilustrated. 1985 Opening of Mount Pleasant Airport. 27p. SG 503.



Falkland Islands. 1971 Flowers. Decimal Surcharge issue. 4p on 5½d Wmk upright. SG 269. Fine Used

Fine used single as illustrated. 1971 Flowers. Decimal Surcharge issue. 4p on 5½d Wmk upright. SG 269. Fine Used



Falkland Islands. 1971 Flowers. Decimal Surcharge issue. 1p on 1½d Wmk upright. SG 264. Fine Used

Fine used single as illustrated. 1971 Flowers. Decimal Surcharge issue. 1p on 1½d Wmk upright. SG 264.



Falkland Islands. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 2p Wmk sideways. SG 279. Unmounted Mint

Unmounted mint single. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 2p Wmk sideways. SG 279.



1974 Battle of River Plate. 6p Wmk Crown to right of CA. SG 308w. Fine used.

Fine used single as illustrated. 1974 Battle of River Plate. 6p Wmk Crown to right of CA. SG 308w.



Falkland Islands. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 5p Fine used. Wmk upright. SG 283

Fine used single. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 5p Wmk upright. SG 283



Falkland Islands. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 4p Fine used. Wmk upright. SG 282

Fine used single. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 4p Wmk upright. SG 282



Falkland Islands. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 4p Fine used. Wmk upright. SG 282

Fine used single. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 4p Wmk upright. SG 282



Falkland Islands. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 1p Fine used. Wmk upright. SG 277

Fine used single. 1972 Flowers. Decimal issue. 1p Wmk upright. SG 277
